17 July 2012

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Top Books to Learn C Programming

                            TOP BOOKS TO LEARN C PROGRAMMING

C is a general-purpose programming language initially developed by Dennis Ritchie between 1969 and 1973 at Bell Labs.
It is a widely used programming Language for creating Portable Application Softwares. C is a Middle Level Programming Language and is considered to be the Father of all of Programming Languages.

As we can not create a skyscraper with a good foundation, We can also not excel in the field of programming without C i.e the Basic Programming Language, which would help you build the foundation of your Logic to solve a particular problem.
Therefore its very essential to learn C, so here are the Most Selling Ebooks (free downloads) for the C programming Language.

1. Let Us C by Yashwant Kanetkar

Let us C explains all the important aspects of the C programming Language along with the minor details you need to know.

2. Programming in C in 7 Days

“Programming in C in 7 days!” includes only the first 7 lessons of the more complete e-book “Quickly
Learn Programming in C”. This book is specially for the people who just want and overview of the programming language in just a couple of days and who want get an overview about the C programming language.

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